The Smiling Man Cartoon Clip Art the Smiling Man Cartoon Faces

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When you're feeling down, information technology can be hard to turn your mood effectually. Whether yous're stressed, dealing with professional person or personal problems, or simply plain in a rut, simple option-me-ups can make all the difference. Simply take a deep jiff, and let our favourite grinning worthy topics ease the negativity from your listen. No matter why you're feeling downward, these 22 rays of sunshine volition aid you pick yourself back up.

Anjana The Chimpanzee Raises Tiger Cubs

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At The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (TIGERS) in South Carolina, a two year old chimpanzee is inseparable from her human caretakers. Named Anjana, this adorable chimp has learned how to care for others. Most notably acting equally surrogate mother for two white tiger cubs, Anjana's selfless love will make whatever twenty-four hour period brighter.

 This Genius Artist


 Never underestimate the power of laughter when you're feeling down.

COMACO Helps People And Animals

At Customs Markets for Conservation (COMACO), conservationists struggled to fight poaching in Republic of zambia. However, in 2001, the grouping changed tactics. Instead of focusing on how to beat poachers, they tried to understand why people need to poach. What the organization uncovered was villages securely struggling with poverty. The grouping inverse their approach and started looking at how to employ poachers in other markets. Since 2001, COMACO has helped over 650 poachers train in other industries, mainly farming. This has increased employment and income for the villagers, while drastically decreasing the number of slain endangered animals. A small showtime, that's making big waves, towards a brighter future for everyone.

This Guy'due south Jig

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Though information technology'south curt, this little dance gets funnier the longer you watch.

This Domestic dog's Jig


Don't forget to exercise a little dance when you're feeling downwards. It's seems silly, merely sometimes silliness is the all-time antidote for the blues.

This Pig Adopted Tiger Cubs

At the Chimelong Xiangjiang Safari Park in Prc, this pig adopted iii tiger cubs abandoned by their biological mother. There is zilch similar a tiger cub cuddling up to it's baby pig sibling to make you lot go "Aww".

Fashionable Matrix Moves


This guy'southward endless Matrix ollie is i of the better internet edits. Focus on his smug head nod for an instant chuckle.

Neighbors Really Do Care

In Chesterfield, Virginia, a community rallied together afterwards a local young homo delivering pizza was robbed. Stopped at gunpoint, he lost a trivial over $100 dollars. After hearing near the incident, some neighbors pitched in and ordered a pizza. When he arrived, they gave him a mega tip, more than doubling the corporeality he lost. More simple proof that humanity shouldn't always get you lot feeling downward.

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Even When You're Feeling Down, Lilliputian Miracles Happen

A immature girl in San Francisco is a hero subsequently she remembered an important rule during a house fire. When a fire bankrupt out in the kitchen, Galaxy Kong was the only one who woke up. Only 9 years old, Galaxy calmly woke up her dad and led him to safety. The two escaped out of a second story window before the blaze spread upstairs. Most importantly, Galaxy remembered to block the bottom of the door with a towel. This stops smoke from pouring into a room, saving crucial oxygen. In this case, this rule likely immune Galaxy and her dad enough time to escape.

You've Never Been Pranked Like This


…Or This


…unless you're the ones in the GIFs, in which case, our condolences.

Internet On The Moon

Not only are we now in an age where you tin can go net on the moon via a giant laser, this leap in innovation will accept important applications. The new means of transmitting information is much faster than our current ways of communicating in space. This ways our weather monitoring, storm prediction, and wild fire data will soon attain u.s.a. much quicker, and be much more advanced. At the very least, giant moon lasers should assistance y'all feel better.

333 People In A Row Pay It Forwards

When you're feeling down, recollect that at a Florida Starbucks, 333 customers in a row paid for a stranger's java. The chain of generosity started when one customer in the Drive-Thru opted to pay their bill, as well as the car's behind them. The next motorcar received their gild for gratis, so decided to pay for the car behind theirs likewise. The kindness continued for effectually ix hours, all betwixt full strangers. No word yet on how the 334th person managed to miss the memo.

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The Earth'due south Smoothest Goat


A petty proof we tin ride out our mistakes.


No matter how bad things get, information technology'due south an instant mood boost to run into unconditional beloved. Despite conflicts in the Centre East, Jews and Arabs around the world have taken to Twitter to limited their dear for everyone. The hashtag #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies became popular in July this year, showcasing cute sentiments and understanding. Watching others come together during troubling times can plow fifty-fifty the toughest day around.

Sometimes, The Timing Is Perfect


Even though y'all're feeling low now, things in the futurity might marshal better.

Sometimes, Everything Works Out

Despite huge odds, this minor league baseball player'due south dad caught his first home run. What is the likelihood the ball would exist anywhere about his dad's side of the field? When feeling downwardly, don't forget that incredible things do happen.

Sometimes, The Stars Do Align

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Similarly, don't forget that lucky breaks do happen.

Karma Tin Come For The Jerks In Life


When other people accept you lot feeling downwards, try to call back that what goes around, comes around.

Hard Work Pays Off For Formerly Homeless Valedictorian

If the challenges you're facing have you feeling downwards, don't forget that your potential is space. A high school student in Florida recently showcased this when he overcame homelessness and personal tragedy to graduate top of his class. Non only is he valedictorian, the educatee gained enough coin to nourish college debt free through online fund raising efforts. Proof we can all overcome the challenges we face, fifty-fifty if it looks impossible.

Selfless People Withal Exist

When you're feeling downwards, information technology'southward like shooting fish in a barrel to paint everything the same negative color. Keep in mind that lovely people just similar you are still out there, making the earth go round.

Selfless Cities Still Exist

Last yr, tens of thousands of people showed up to make a San Francisco cancer patient's wish come true. With the aid of Batman, the little tyke rescued the metropolis several times over as Batkid. The police, local sports teams and everyday citizens all got involved to make this dream come up true. When you're feeling downwards, remember that lodge still has plenty of brilliant spots.

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Featured photo credit: fauxto_digit via


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