King of the Hill Fan Art Fanny Pack Men

Grill Burns is the prove host of the Grill Aqueduct and a supporting character in the On the Hill series. It is strongly implied that he is homosexual and either already in or heading into a relationship with Chill, but Grill does non put a characterization on their human relationship and just refers to him as "My male child." He is one of Brew's roommates, & is currently helping out on Brew's channel. He is known to read and respond to tweets on his Twitter. Also has a shop.

Side Grill Pose 3.jpg


Grill has spiky, light blonde hair cut into some sort of pixie cut and has noticeably thick eyebrows that arch at the pinnacle. In a Mash episode, it was revealed that he had light-green eyes. His body is fit & muscular with skinny legs, & his breast is covered in tattoos. One in Chill'due south proper name with a eye on it. One is a realistic Ryan Reynolds face with a signature. One is the give-and-take "Beyond." Ane is the give-and-take Yeet over a line over a star. The last one is Loaf's face. He is shown to grow beard stubble on several occasions. There's a scar on his left arm above the elbow. His height varies in episodes.

His original outfit consisted of a cinnabar ruby-red sweater with a blood red & salmon pink fanny pack slung over his correct shoulder, and track pants the color of dried claret with a pink stripe running down the sides. His salmon pinkish boots with blood cerise soles were seemingly held together past a single strip of Velcro & worn over light regal socks. His nightwear consists of a seafoam & teal robe over a red t-shirt & pink plaid boxers with scarlet stripes.

His newest outfit consists of a dark ruby-red headband, a bright cerise sleeveless sweatshirt with a white t-shirt underneath, and olive green cargo pants. His shoes are salmon/light red climbing boots with dark red laces and soles. On Halloween of 2021 he switched to cyan & xanthous socks. Grill has occasionally been seen with a soul patch style beard. He is shown to abound bristles stubble in the morning time. He wears glasses, a bathrobe, & pink plaid boxers at nighttime when he's editing his own videos instead of Chill.

Equally a child, Grill had a bowl haircut & overalls, & was a trivial shorter than Arctic. In jr high or high schoolhouse he went through a Goth or Emo phase with longer hair with blue tips, a cat tail clip on his pants, red plaid shirt, & a lip ring in an Emo fashion. In a high schoolhouse swim squad photo he'southward sporting an asymmetric bowl cut with a soul patch.


Grill is a classic textbook Tsundere, & known to exist i of the loudest and most opinionated characters in the series. He is very dainty & easily grossed-out. He is shown to take quite the temper and has an extremely cluttered personality, but works difficult to keep his anger in bank check with the assistance of Arctic. His being a tsundere has been acknowledged in-universe, between a volume Chill owns & listed as a side effect of drinking YEET.

Grill typically responds to things with indiscreet rage and rarely thinks before he acts. That beingness said, he is able to accept other's feelings into consideration and isn't agape to stand up for and to them. He can sometimes come off as insensitive from the way he shares his thoughts to others, but he usually doesn't do so with ill-intent, like when he was roasting tweets that defended calumniating true cat owners or attacked 13-year-olds.

He tends to accept a contradictory nature, as he would make fun of topics that he finds stupid or dizzy only would defend something as mundane to the very extreme, or try to cash in on the very thing he's complaining near. He also seems to be a bit lazy & easily quits if he finds tasks frustrating. He has been shown frequently apply malapropisms & the occasional spoonerism when speaking, he besides spells & pronounces "snake" equally "psnaic." He seems to believe everything he hears at face value, only one time implied to Brew that he liked his audition to recollect he was gullible for a bit of fun, so it's hard to say if he likes to troll his & Brew's audiences, or if he genuinely believes that giraffes aren't real, Magnapinna squid are time travelers, all crustaceans have psychic abilities, & that eels can shoot lasers from their eyes.

He is a bit of a hypocrite, thinking Brew needs an intervention over his love of coffee when he himself can't get without several cans of YEET a day. He's also forgetful, dismissive, & a procrastinator. He often misremembers people's names & uses improper terms.

He is very antiauthoritarian. He thinks smoking looks cool, but doesn't exercise it himself. He hates vaping, only doesn't recall information technology should be banned. He doesn't retrieve the government or popular public opinion should tell people what they tin can & tin can't do with their bodies, & he has no trouble insulting teachers to their confront. Thinks Ebenezer Scrooge & The Grinch had the right ideas about Christmas.

Like Brew, he doesn't seem to sleep much. He does his youtube videos around 2-3am. His youtube rants tin go on for about 2 hours. His gratuitous time revolves around PC games & Twitter, but he also craves human interaction, though he will vehemently deny it.


  • Nutrient: Ice cream, chips, bagels, cocktail wieners, chicken wings.
  • Beverage: YEET energy drank, T.N.T. (Tequila 'N' Tonic), orangish juice.
  • Burn down, pyrotechnics.
  • Visitor, but will deny it & pretend to exist annoyed.
  • Fire Gorman (celebrity crush).
  • He likes Ryan Reynolds so feverishly that it'southward a wonder Chill is non jealous.
  • Video games, whatsoever platform.
  • Cats, true cat videos, cat pictures, ferrets, dogs.
  • Chill; playing video games & cooking together.
  • Sadism; Watching anybody else die in games, Chill's nighttime side, annoying friends with gifts & videos he knows they'll hate.
  • Getting into Twitter arguments. receiving tweets from fans, peculiarly if they're animate being related.
  • Belle Delphine's "comedic performance art" (trolling) & ability to milk fanboys.
  • Movies: The Bee Movie, Cruella.
  • Verbal shitposting.
  • TV: Dearest Is Tigers, Luke Worm, Food Network, School of Sock.
  • Celebrities: Guy Fieri & Gordon Ramsay,
  • Cooking.
  • Homegrown produce from their veggie garden.
  • Heckling Brew during his shows.
  • Ska (music genre).
  • Cooking.


Grill seems to dislike virtually things, only existence a Tsundere, he often pretends to dislike things he secretly enjoys.

  • Weebs/weaboos/otakus & anime. He thinks people who scout anime is a degenerate, simply thinks King of The Hill is an anime and seems to really like it.
  • Mad Lads, Lance. Has non made any existent attempt to get along with Lifehack after he was expelled.
  • Confessions & apologies.
  • Playing Among Us when he's not the Imposter.
  • Being alone, merely he will deny it.
  • Animal abusers.
  • People throwing shade on children on social media platforms.
  • The idea of children being exposed to inappropriate content.
  • Cannibalism, even if faked for humor.
  • Anything that makes Arctic sorry.
  • Vaping.
  • Puns & dad jokes.
  • People who tell other people how to live their lives & what they tin & can't do with their own bodies.
  • Minions.
  • ASMR videos.
  • Shellfish (allergy).
  • Existence chosen "Silly," unless the word "goose" is attached at the stop.
  • Prank videos that could get people hurt, in trouble with the law, or encourage impressionable children to imitate them.
  • Apple corporation & trendy manner engineering.
  • Pictures of things like feet, tooth decay, brains, ribbon worms, & eyeballs.
  • Trypophobic, & the holey encephalon pictures Brew showed him episodes earlier suggested it.
  • The concept of being chased by a malicious giant sentient doll.
  • Being woken to observe Arctic sitting on summit of him, making spooky faces & ranting about waffles.
  • Critters: Mola Mola/Opah fish, parasites, ticks, toilet snakes.
  • When Brew tries to ruin something he likes to eat past comparing it to something gross, like cream cheese & balut yolk.

Middle Basis

  • Claims to not enjoy studying, but loves inexplainable Brew past getting things correct & already knowing well-nigh subjects.
  • Says he hates Lo-Fi Hip Hop, but enjoys Chill'due south music.
  • Is glad that Arctic is getting better at cooking, but as a pyromaniac, he misses the frequent kitchen fires.
  • Deeply annoyed by Jack'due south unbridled saccharine optimism, but enjoyed hanging out with him one-on-one.

Singers & Bands

Maybe falling into his Likes category, as he knows the lyrics to them.

Panic! At The Disco (I Write Sins Not Tragedies), Eric Clapton (Wonderful This evening), Evanescence (Bring Me To Life), Herb Alpert (Spanish Flea), Tal Bachman (She'south And then Loftier), R.Due east.G, (Everybody Hurts), Randy Newman (Curt People), The Rolling Stones (Yous Can't E'er Get What You Want), Celine Dion (All By Myself), Snoop Doggy Dogg (Lodi Dodi).


Grill is a pyromaniac, & enjoys tossing lit pieces of paper in the trash. Ofttimes times called-for trash bins would be knocked over on their sides with the carpet & wall burning. His flaming tweets would fly right past his punching pocketbook, leaving viewers to wonder if i would ever state on it & catch burn down, merely information technology ironically ended upwardly getting singed by Lance having besides many electronics plugged in under Grill's desk-bound. It is unknown exactly how many times he's almost burned down Brew's firm, though many of the kitchen fires were started by Arctic. Brew got dorsum at them unintentionally past burning down their Minecraft house. One of his largest house fire started when he was trying to roast Brew'southward coffee beans, despite not drinking coffee, & then dousing it with YEET which made information technology worse. Another was when he tried to put out a fire by setting information technology on burn down. He'south been seen running around the house with a homemade Molotov Cocktail, & he threatened to remove a tick on his arm by setting it on burn down.


Arctic: Chill is Grill'due south best friend and roommate, who he refers to as "his boy". In fact, they seem to exist more than merely friends. It has been implied that the two of them are gay for one another and are currently in or heading towards a romantic human relationship. Chill is one of the only people Grill finds "tolerable" and tin can exist protective if someone upsets him. In turn, Chill tries to encourage Grill to control his temper and brand more friends. Despite their relationship, Arctic is not spared from Grill's vitriol. He still acts rude and sometimes even insulting towards Chill, who usually lets these remarks roll off his shoulder. In turn, Chill on rare occasion tin can throw some shade at Grill as well. Despite their desperate differences in personality, the two usually get along well and are rarely seen without the other. Despite their closeness, Grill was annoyed to find Arctic playing Minecraft using a Grill skin, calling it identity theft.

Jack: Jack is ane of Grill'due south classmates at Hillmark Academy. Though Jack sees Grill every bit a friend, his optimistic attitude serves as an countless source of annoyance to Grill. Due to this, Grill stubbornly refuses to refer to Jack as a friend. Nonetheless, Grill does slowly seem to be warming upward to Jack, showing a existent friendship might bloom between them.

Brew: Brew'due south relationship with Grill can vary betwixt parental & brotherly, with a bit of friendly rivalry between two Youtubers. Though the ii didn't interact much at kickoff, they did seem to have mostly friendly relations with each other, though Grill never hesitates to take a shot at Brew, such every bit calling Brew "uncool". After Grill and Chill's home is burned down, Brew opens his dwelling for them to stay. There they seem to take grown closer equally friends, though they tend to get on each others nerves; Brew with his puns, gross-out images, & disturbing trivia, which Grill hates, & Grill by loudly & ofttimes interrupting Mash when he speaks. He finds Brew to be a killjoy when on his evidence.

Spill: Casual acquaintances who don't seem to go along peculiarly well. When they first met, Grill could barely call back her name, and in general, his demeanor seems to annoy her. When Grill called her to inquire if she wanted to hang out with him, she answered "No" earlier he could terminate his sentence, and promptly hung up on him. His phone's ID photo of her is the back of her head.

Braydon: Grill & Braydon have something of an unspoken rivalry, between Lance's class assignments & the group snarking on his Twitter account to promote their Youtube channel. Braydon was Grill's first doubtable in the framing of Chill.

Brett: Grill was passive-agressively annoyed that Brett opened a eating place directly next to his Waffle House in Minecraft that was staling all his customers. So he planned to fire information technology donen the exact same manner Brew burned down his house. Information technology is unknown if Arctic managed to stop him.

Howard: He one time made a heartfelt apology video to Howard for breaking him, but accidently sent it to Jack. He likewise tried to steal Howards jewels. He referred to Howard as their "Protagonist" & said that deep down he & Howard are the same. He told Howard he loved his coffee, but Howard shot him down.

Loaf: His rescue true cat who spends nigh of its time sleeping on superlative of Grill'southward reckoner. Appearing often on Grill's Show & never seen on Mash Solves or On The Loma. Loaf was rescued from a weird house/makeshift role he took a virtual bout of via magic wand tool.

Charles: While Lifehack has fabricated an attempt at being Grill's friend, Grill has not returned the favor. He likewise had a dream episode of his show where Lifehack ruined his interview with Ryan Reynolds & implied that Grill was Goth/Emo, which made Grill very mad. He also denied being friends with Lifehack in a tweet.

Quiz: Grill feels a bit off almost her, seeing her as something of a Rule 63 Mash who only brings more puns & gross facts into the business firm, simply he's yet getting used to her. He gave her a can of YEET, simply both she & Mash agreed it was poison. Grill has taken a liking to scaring & annoying her, with things like simulated ghosts, ideas most beingness trapped inside a maze of surreptitious catacombs, & making cracking sounds by popping all his joints.

Lance: He hates Lance's grade & dislikes Lance, complaining about him frequently. He'south not afraid to insult him right to his confront in school, & was non at all pleased to find that while he was on vacation, Lance had broken in to his office & was living under his desk with several utilities plugged in. One of them defenseless on burn & burned downwardly their house.

xXDied-DeathXx: They're on good terms & helped each other rescue Brew & Quiz from Lifehack'southward wrath in Minecraft.

Mordecai: Aka Morty. A baby zombie Chill adopted initially as a pet & then equally a son. Information technology took Grill awhile to warm upwards to it.


He's had 2 offices in 2 houses, only they are virtually identical. Has a receipt printer he uses specifically for printing out Tweets. Information technology converts internet to paper, & paper to net. He has a red & white scanner/printer with video compatible paper. Arctic is confused past them. He has a punching handbag near his desk with singe marks from the house fire. Among the books & games on his role shelf include parodies of Halo 3 Anne of Green Gables. Shrek, Modern Warfare, DOTA, Snakes & Ladders, & maybe League of Legends. He has a silvery Boob tube with built-in VCR & an orange & yellow joypad that seems to be based on an Xbox controller. In that location is a lava lamp on a stool & a Youtube award for 66.half dozen subs. The walls in his one-time part were pink stripes & the new function is a pale lilac purple. There's a mini refrigerator under the printer, a cat bed on the book case, & a large box with a baseball bat & a yoga matt.


  • Has a Carmine Eyes Black Persian Kitty True cat Sunshine State card, which is a Yu-Gi-Oh reference.
  • Collects wool in Minecraft by punching sheep instead of sheering them. Thinks Mash called-for down his Minecraft firm is worse than his own house fires because he didn't build the firm.
  • He wanted to go kicked off the Among Us game so he could become back to playing Star Wars Squadrons.
  • He wished that Van Van, a JoJo parody character from from "I Beloved You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin' Good Dating Simulator" had been the protagonist, & that he was playing "Van Van the Man Man: A Very Manly Dating Simulator" instead.
  • He wanted to test if the PS5 & Xbox Series X was faster, and then he dropped them off a building at the same time.
  • He likes the PS5 because it looks like Kaiba from YuGiOh.
  • Thinks Solid Snake can't be trusted because his pants are skin tight.
  • Wants Bugsnax.
  • Thinks the PS5 is superior to the Xbox Series X is almost every possible way, only is only ever seen playing PC games with Xbox controller.
  • Thinks the Xbox Series X is a giant fridge that huffs smoke, adjoin also told Brew he knew it was fake, possibly to save face after being informed.
  • Information technology is implied that he & Arctic purged their server of villages, making emeralds scarce. It could too accept been Lifehack, as he's the only one on the server who has emeralds.
  • Thinks Sonic 64 was the very get-go video game in 1992. The N64 came out in 1996 & had no Sonic games, merely fanmade ROM hacks of this game do be, & in the 90s, some ROM hacks were actually transferred to cartridges & sold, & physical copies or original & bootleg games continue to be sold on expressionless consoles to retro gamers to this day.
  • Owns a Kittycat Sunshine Lands plushie.
  • Won't purchase microtransactions in games. Prefers to grind.
  • Plays an obscure mobile game chosen Frag Pro Shooter.

Reading Hateful Tweets and BURNING Them

There's a lot to unpack in this double length episode. Grill's accapella debut album includes quotes like "Epstein didn't kill himself" & "this anthology f**king slaps." This album is about probable a parody of "Potent Bad Sings" from Homestar Runner. Information technology also contains some color effects that are either making fun of image ghosting on vintage TVs or suggests you should exist wearing retro 3D glasses while watching. Grill skipped Halloween to keep a mission to steal Kevin'southward dakimakura & toss it in the garbage in a duffle bag with a few of his ain things. He was about to set information technology on burn when he was attacked past one of the Hazmat guys Mash sent after him when he was all doped up on Chill's lofi beats. Someone sends him a nonsensical video of a guy dabbing to "row row row your gunkhole" & he responds with a story virtually his father abandoning him in the city during a parade to get some cigarettes & never coming back. Nether his desk, Lance is cooking tuna & butter in a java pot, based on the five Infinitesimal Crafts video Grill sent to traumatize Brew. Lance's coffee pot, which used to belong to mash, caught on burn down & burned the business firm down. Arctic & Grill motion in with Brew.

In this episode, yous can run into the top of his Loaf tattoo while he'southward singing Disco Inferno, but it looks similar chest hair, but it's missing entirely when he's singing Firework.


  • "Ouwee."
  • "Tweet me, yous cowards."
  • "Art is dead. And nosotros killed it."
  • "The internet never forgets."
  • "Altruism is a lie. People are garbage."
  • "Well folks, I've crunched the numbers here, and the results are none of your business!"
  • "Wake up and odor the fumes sheeple!"
  • "I ain't your damn monkey!"
  • "When I run across a blazing dumpster fire of recycled garbage content, I swoop face-get-go baby."
  • "Pitiful Chill, looks like I won't be able to exploit your misery."
  • "Just eject me like a VHS."
  • "A nice fresh of breath air." (Spoonerism).
  • "And that is how I did my horrible murder crime."
  • "If you need me... Don't."
  • "If what someone does isn't hurting anyone but themselves, and so that's their pierogi." (Malapropism for prerogative)
  • "If people wanna expedite the wondrously ho-hum dying process that is their life just because they like the taste of antifreeze & recall clouds are swell, and so I say let them vape."
  • "Big vape companies similar Juul have deliberately helped create a youth culture that prioritizes huffing fu***ng fog from Douche Flutes over being able to breathe properly."
  • "Kim Kardashian is a snake, & I have irrefundable evidence." (Malapropism for irrefutable).
  • "More than swears than Gordon Ramsay being served spam sandwiches at an Alabama truck stop."
  • "Look how they massacred my boy." (Godfather reference)
  • "Shut the forepart door, I have a f**male monarch problem."
  • "If you are currently enjoying this content, please printing the Like button, as to notify Big Daddy Youtube that he should be proud of me. Also, if you would like to meet more quality videos like this one, please consider subscribing & smashing that bong, and then that you tin ignore the notifications & never watch another one of my videos again."
  • "Accept A New Husband By Friday." Uh that's no Practiced. I need him on my desk-bound past Thursday."
  • "I'm like a difficult drive, sometimes I gotta go rid of useless words to spree up face. I... I hateful gratis up space!" (Spoonerism).
  • "Say no more Karen, y'all had me sold at RATCHET."
  • "Brew! Delight! You lot gotta help me! I moved a few K for the local Waste Management concern, but now Assistants is accusing me of eating the loan & threatening to have me for a ride if I don't pay tribute, but I gots all my dough tied upwardly right now with the pokey & the ponies, & all I need now is 10 Large till Fri. Waffle Fourth dimension comes in showtime, & I'll be in the light-green, I swear. I'll fifty-fifty have enough to cover the juice."
  • "I'm only analgesic to shrimp." (Malapropism for allergic)
  • "Cooking is just controlled called-for, & I'm the master of roasts."
  • "Why would I grow produce if I can't eat it with expressionless animal flesh?"
  • "How does this at all have to do with peeing on frogs?"
  • "Processed corn doesn't crusade cancer. It is cancer."
  • "Drink YEET, not DEET."
  • "These workers are out here with their lung ravioli." (Malapropism for Alveoli).

Notes and Trivia

  • He made his commencement appearance roasting Danielle Cohn'southward Twitter haters on the "Spill Testify on July 17th, 2019.
  • Eats potato fries in relaxed situations, such as in bed or reclining on the couch.
  • The men from "What If All the Coin Was Gone in vii Days?" & "How Fearfulness of Darkness Ruined This Man's Life" await suspiciously like a non-chibi Grill.
  • He once tried to put out a burn down by setting it on fire.
  • He shares things with Chill, like a Yeet blanket, a pair of RayCon earbuds, a pair of Airpods, a 2-headed sweater, & a bed, but does not share his office.
  • There is a continuity error involving his past. Despite photos proving he's known Arctic since childhood & hung out with him in high school, he told Jack he used to edit his own videos earlier Chill came forth.
  • He made a iv video tirade virtually KFC'south Colonel Sanders, which included sexualization.
  • He destroyed i of Jack'due south PC monitors with the sheer ability of his anger at Braydon, & pulverized an alarm clock with his bare fist.
  • Watches Food Network & tin brand edible food, but Brew was making the meals when Grill & Chill were banned from the kitchen.
  • While it's implied that virtually everyone uses single syllable nicknames that explain their schtick, Braydon in one case chosen him "Grilliam."
  • Has a lifetime ban from Hillside Creamery.
  • One time at an apple covered in permanent mark. & that was before he got boozer.
  • Somewhere in the house, Grill very large collection of custom Funkopops of him & Chill.
  • He once got catfished on Skype by someone pretending to exist Ryan Reynolds asking for money.
  • Grill has been depicted as a woman twice on Brew's show. 1 times as a Succubus, which Brew called an Incubus.
  • Has been chased by men in yellow hazmat suits twice.
  • Thinks he invented the Dab, only calls it a "Yosh."
  • Tin can play the harmonica.
  • Tried & failed to shell Randy Gardner's record for longest time without sleep past drinking excessive amounts of YEET.
  • Owns Gordon Ramsay cookbooks.
  • Despite beingness a citizen of Canada, he has either a Boston or Rhode Island accent, implying he's an American expat. This accent carries over to his French.
  • Owns a barbeque & an frock with his full name on them.
  • Has fallen for online coin laundering scams as to the lowest degree twice.
  • He once got a fake check with small-scale print claiming that Brew was an imposter & Jack was a cambial.
  • In a Brew episode, Grill one time spied on Chill in their room with Chill'due south laptop webcam. In a much latter episode, it was revealed that Mash has security cams throughout the house, including his ain chamber.
  • If he won the lottery, he would buy the rights to YEET.
  • In Brew'southward second video near an imposter who became rich by faking his identity, there's a hilarious cartoon of Grill wearing naught just a deport skin cape & seashell thong.
  • Has dressed upward every bit Indiana Jones at the mention of treasure on a few occasions.
  • His favorite kind of scientific research is the kind motivated by spite.
  • At that place was a Grill version of a Peeing Calvin Decal on the back of a truck in a Brew episode, which is a meme older than the internet.
  • In Chill's Christmas LoFi hip-hop video, Grill decided he needed neither a glaze nor sleeves, nor gloves to have an hour long snowball fight, with a scarf existence the only thing to protect him from the cold.


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